
Thank you so much!! I can’t tell you how glad I am that I found you! Our video session this morning was without a doubt some of the best money I have ever spent, worth every penny! You are great to work with, and I can’t wait to FINALLY have this project all done. I will go ahead and accomplish as much as I can on my own, and will look forward to receiving and using the labels you will be sending me. If I feel I need more support to finish the papers (and I very well may) I will certainly not hesitate to book another appointment with you. And I plan to become an avid follower of your blog!
I can’t think of anything I’d love more than to have you come to the house and help with a stem-to-stern reorganization…but, one step at a time! Thank  you so much for your support and encouragement. – 2019 is the year when EVERYTHING finally gets organized!
Again, thanks so much! Have a wonderful weekend, and we will be in touch soon!

All the best,
Maria - Greenwich, CT

Lisa is a pleasure to work with. I was overwhelmed with my organizing project, and she helped me to prioritize and to clearly map out my goals. She encourages teamwork, so that the project becomes a collaborative effort.  Lisa brings creativity and a real warmth to her job.  Moving forward, I would definitely choose to work with her again on any other organizational projects I have. 

Jean D.  Staten - Island, NY

“Lisa offered a much needed mix of compassion and inspiration to help organize and update my daughter’s room.  After months of being stuck in conflict, struggle and chaos Lisa motivated her to let go of clutter and establish more order within a couple of hours.   Restored peace between my daughter and I was the icing on the cake!  Mayra S.

PS: Serena can’t wait for you to come back!  You really did wonders for both of us.  Though the process continues, we are confident that we will see resolution soon. 

Mayra & Serena S. - Staten Island

The International Customer Service Association (ICSA) has been utilizing Lisa’s services for the past several years.  She has flawlessly managed the ICSA database, accounting and finance, member communications and more.  One of her most significant accomplishments is organizing and managing the ICSA Annual Conference which she has done for 4 years.  Under her skilled performance the Annual Conference has been a resounding success.  And because we are all about exceptional service, we can add that Lisa has been incredible to work with.  Her contact with our members leaves them all more than satisfied. She’s been a wonderful ambassador of the ICSA Brand.  
ICSA Board of Directors - New York

Lisa Gessert of is a queen at the art of organizing and teaching organizational mgmt. systems to her clients that they can manage easily to keep the clutter at bay. She helped me organize a dining room table filled with old statements and mail . She helped me create an at home filing system for keeping the important stuff, tossing the not-so-important and keeping it all organized going forward. My next challenge for Lisa will be helping me declutter & organize my master bedroom walk in closet! I highly recommend LISA, she is a true professional and passionate about organizing!

Rosanna D.  - Staten Island, NY

 Client Reviews

Hi Lisa,
I have taken your Organizing Paper Trail and Conquer the Clutter workshops at the UFT. For the first time since I retired I am slowly but surely de-cluttering. I am taking small steps, one day at a time. I am donating or getting rid of things I haven’t used in years.
Thank you for your practical And methodical steps to be free of my clutter. You empathy for people like me helped me realize that I am one of many who face this issue. I will conquer my clutter.
Best Regards,
Rita B.

Wagner College Workshop for Kids

9-12 Years Old - January 15th & 22nd, 2016

Dear Lisa,
I wanted to thank you for leading the session my sixth grade son took with you a few Fridays ago at the Wagner College campus. He has made some organizational strides that fit under the "purge" category, and for this, we are most grateful! Gregory initially thought the course was space management, as in outerspace! When he learned that it was an organizational workshop, he was (quite naturally!) disappointed. However, within just a few moments with you, he cheered up and enjoyed filling in the self-assessment you had prepared for the kids. This enabled him to first diagnose where his problems areas were so that he could go about fixing them once you gave them some really well-considered guidance. I think kids often need someone outside of the immediate family to help steer them in the right direction. As a result of your easy acronym "S.P.A.C.E" and the clear vision that accompanied it, my son has spent time initiating some changes in his room that will make locating high-need items far easier than they had been even a week ago. As a parent, I can't help but admit that his "purging" of some unnecessary items was a relief. The Great Purge also helped him understand that there are both true keepsakes and miscellaneous, unneeded accumulation. He now has identified books and clothing to donate and has more shelving for the books he hasn't yet read.
Again, we thank you for steering Gregory in the right direction and look forward to a teen workshop on the same topic for our teen daughter!

Liz B. - NYC Teacher

Thank you for all your help with my kitchen.  It feels so much better to be in there now, stress free! I will get back to you on a scheduling a date for the basement.
I'm looking forward to working together again.
Have a great holiday!
Christina H. - Staten Island

Lisa came in and showed our office how to streamline our desktops so we are more productive as well as teaching us the files we must keep and those we can toss away. We learned the best way of filing for a small office who has many hands on the files everyday. Thank you for setting us up on a system that has been working for us for years!

Tracy G. - Traco, Mfg. - Buffalo, NY

Everything is good and my desk is clear and organized everything  has a "home". I appreciate all you did to motivate me to get to this point and  I have been keeping up with it daily. I don't stack things for a future day because sometimes that future  day doesn't happen I don't want to get overwhelmed again! I will highly recommend you to my friends and let you know if I need anything else !

Lydia C. - Staten Island

Hi Lisa, and happy new year!  I read this post with great interest… I think it's a wonderful post.... Deeply meaningful.
We haven't been in direct contact for a while, but I do keep up with your posts and continue to find them helpful and meaningful. 
I hope you and your family are thriving despite the craziness of this time...It sounds like you are.
Just wanted to write to say hi and, as we move into 2022, to congratulate you on the continuation of your always wonderful work. The work you and  I have done together Continues to have a tangible, positive impact on my life every single day. 
With fond regards, from

Like so many of us organization is always a New Year's resolution for me.  As a Life Coach I have come to realize that organization is organic, it is a continuous process. Our lives change: we move, someone gets married, kids take up a new sport.  When these kinds of events make clients feel things are out of control, I frequently suggest hiring a professional organizer.
When I needed a fresh set on eyes to see what was going on in my own home, I called Lisa Gessert from  Being the client is a very different experience from being the professional.  It is one thing to say you are disorganized, and it is quite another story to let someone SEE your disorganization. I have known Lisa for a few years, so I felt comfortable asking her for help.
Embarrassment is just one  of emotions that fuel the excuses that prevent you doing one of the best things you can ever do for your self and your family. Lisa has a ton of solutions, but what sets her apart is her ability to make you feel at ease.  She has a nice way of including you in the solution process so that the final result is exactly what you needed, but better then you could have imagined!! 
Beth Battinelli PhD - New Jersey